The new parent’s checklist: Four ways to be your best in the New Year

It’s that time again. Where we look forward to the new year with optimism and set goals to be the best version of ourselves in the coming 365 days.


While you’re going through your checklist of aspirations, being the best parent you can is undoubtedly near the top of your list.


At, we’re dedicated to helping you parent like a pro. Below are four things that should be on every new parent’s checklist in 2021 and beyond.


Ensure your child’s sleep space is safe

Creating a safe sleeping environment has kept parents up at night for decades. After all, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the leading cause of death for infants between one month and one year. The good news is there are a number of easy, practical steps you can take to ensure a safe slumber for your child.


First, always put your baby to sleep on their back (never stomach or side). Second, you want to make sure your child’s crib has a firm mattress and you avoid thick bedding materials and toys. Finally, make sure not to overheat your baby: dress them in enough comfy clothes to keep them warm without needing a blanket or other covers they can get tangled in.


For more details on creating the safest sleep space for your little one, check out our Creating Safe Sleep Environments course, which covers research and theories about SIDS, safe sleep practices and recommendations to reduce risks.


“Me time” for them

Children need opportunities to make decisions so they can learn to become more autonomous. However, that doesn’t mean you should give them free reign to behave however they want.


It’s important to understand how to respond to your child’s conduct in a positive manner that encourages proper behavior and development. By using positive guidance, you’ll be able to react to your toddlers’ strong emotions and ensure you’re encouraging healthy social, emotional and cognitive development.


Our Setting Limits with Infants and Toddlers course provides strategies for promoting self-identity, self-confidence and self-control.


Schedule time for family activity

Exercising more is one of the most common New Year’s Resolutions for adults. Instilling similar habits in your child also should be at the top of your list.


Fitness is essential for raising a healthy, happy youngster.  In addition to building a stronger heart, bones, joints and muscles, studies have shown fitness helps increase concentration which leads to better academic results. It’s also been proven to improve self-esteem.


One of the easiest ways to encourage physical fitness is by serving as a role model and finding ways for the whole family to participate together.’s Fit for Life course is chock-full of ways to incorporate active play into your child’s life, as well as ideas for the whole family. 


By starting early, you’ll create good habits that will carry your child through their entire life.


Always be prepared

The Scouts’ motto is “Be Prepared.” And it’s not a bad motto for parents either! As a parent, your head is on a swivel, always vigilant and in a constant state of readiness to address any and all challenges.


Parents don’t always have all the answers, and that’s OK! That’s why we’re here to help empower you to be the best version of yourself. Whether you’re at a total loss on ways to address a particular topic or you just want a refresher, our library of short topical courses, which can be accessed 24/7/365 from any device, will ensure you’re always ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way.


If you’re ready to be the best parent you can in 2021 and beyond, check out our subscription options that give you unlimited access to researched-based info on child development, newborn and toddler safety and more so you can raise a healthy, happy child.