What do first-time and long-time parents say about our courses that teach infant care, toddler care, and more?
Looking for the best online parenting courses? Take a look at testimonials of our online parenting classes and how ParentEducate.com helped prepare first-time and long-time parents to raise healthy, happy and prosperous children.

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Allison's Video Testimonial!
Allison McDonald, B.A, B.Ed, M.S
Author of Setting the State for Rock-Star Readers, Everyday Preschool, and NoTimeForFlashCards.com

"Every parent wants to be the best parent they can be. Life just gets in the way. Now it's easier than ever to learn more about parenting, no matter how busy your life is. ParentEducate.com has fantastic courses for parents about topics like nutrition, positive guidance, and the latest rules about transporation safety. The best part? You can complete them in 20-30 minutes. Anyone can do that!"