Three tips for making the most of your baby's first holiday

Parenthood is filled with firsts. First smile, first steps, first words — and first holiday.


At, we’re dedicated to providing parents like you with the highest-quality online courses to help navigate those firsts (and so many others).


With the winter holidays just around the corner, our team pulled together their favorite tips for making sure this milestone is one you and your family will never forget.


  1. Start your own traditions.

Now that you’re a parent, some of your old holiday traditions might not be as appealing (like taking a cross-country trip to visit family or throwing a large party for friends). Instead, use the opportunity to create a new tradition for you and your intermediate family. Whether it’s decorating cookies or spending the night looking at festive light displays, start something that will last long beyond your child’s first holiday.


  1. Focus on the little things.

The holiday season can be stressful. Instead of spending time trying to shower your child with gifts they likely won’t remember or preparing an over-the-top meal, take a second to appreciate the moment. Spend time introducing your little one to the sights and sounds of the season. Create something special to commemorate the moment, like a preserved handprint or a holiday time capsule.


  1. Remember that babies are just that — babies.

Chances are you’re not the only one excited about your child’s first holiday; your friends and family likely are, too. Because of this, they may pressure you into traveling everywhere so they can meet your little one. While it may be hard to say no, it’s important to do so if it’s in your baby’s best interest. Not only can meeting new people be overwhelming for infants (we recommend keeping group sizes small), but winter is also prime time for bugs and infections — especially if your baby hasn’t received their immunizations yet. Limit physical contact where necessary and/or opt for celebrating with others virtually from the comfort of your own home.



Want to learn about other developmental “firsts” you can expect from your little one? We’ve got a host of courses dedicated to each age range, including birth-three months, three-six months and more. Sign up for a free trial today to gain access to those courses and 50+ others, including ones on promoting proper nutrition and leading through positive guidance.


And, as we celebrate the holiday season, all of us at want to thank the wonderful parents across the country who’ve taken our research-based courses to learn the keys to successful parenting - and how to care for babies, toddlers and school-aged kids. From our metro Atlanta-based families to yours, we wish you happy holidays!